Roblox Ember Rain Trello And Discord Link

The Ember Rain Trello is a great resource where you can learn more about the Ember Rain game, Including the features of the game while the Discord server keeps you updated with lots of benefits.

In the game, players must explore caverns, uncovering the world’s secrets while their characters fight, learn, and grow. And with the ability to overcome death, the happening ahead is uncertain.

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Roblox Ember Rain Trello: Game Mechanics


Open inventoryTab
Equip weapon1
AttackM1 (Left-click)
Guard breakM2 (Right-click)
ShoveBlock + M1
SkillsE, R, X, C
Switch skill modesG
Use consumableH
FishingArrow keys


ConstitutionIncreases max HP by 3 per point
DexterityIncreases max Stamina and regeneration
FaithIncreases HP regeneration and scaling for healing magic
IntelligenceIncreases max Mana and EXP gained
WisdomIncreases Mana charge


Pressing G allows you to toggle between two sets of skills, with a maximum of four skills per set. These sets are divided based on two types: Combat and Utility.

The Combat skills focus on abilities useful in battles, such as offensive or defensive tricks. Utility skills, on the other hand, offer non-combat functionalities like healing or movement enhancements.

This system lets you quickly switch between skill sets tailored to different situations, maybe you’re in the heat of combat or need to utilize non-combat abilities.

By organizing skills into different categories, players can efficiently manage their abilities and adapt to various challenges they encounter in the game.


Leveling up in the game grants you 1 skill point and 1 stat point. Stat points boost your stats, while skill points unlock new abilities.

You can earn experience points (EXP) through three main methods: fighting enemies like Slimes, with stronger foes offering better rewards based on hits landed; gathering trinkets, providing passive EXP especially when farming coins; and fishing for fish using a fishing rod, helpful for completing quests. Each method offers its benefits and contributes to your overall progress in the game.

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Waypoints are scattered throughout the map, usually 1 or 2 per location. They have three main purposes. Firstly, they set your spawn point, so when you die, you respawn at the last waypoint you rested on.

Secondly, they allow fast travel; you can teleport to waypoints you’ve already visited by clicking on their name. Finally, you can rest on them while out of combat to regenerate health faster.

These waypoints are essential for going through the game efficiently, providing convenience and strategic advantages to players.


In the game, Paths represent different classes.

  • Starting Path: Every player begins with this class, but it doesn’t have any specific function.
  • Base Paths: These are the initial upgrades in your journey, unlocking basic skills and unique passives for your class.
  • Advanced Paths: A crucial upgrade later in the game, offering powerful skills and passives. Once chosen, paths cannot be reset unless you start over entirely.


You can earn ranks by defeating bosses or completing quests from Rusty’s NPCs. Each boss you defeat earns one rank point while completing a quest from Rusty’s NPCs earns three points.

These ranks are PvE-based and appear above your character’s head and a leaderboard displaying player ranks can be found in Rusty’s Inn.

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Damage Types

Different types of damage are shown with different colors.

  • Red represents slash damage.
  • Yellow is for pierced damage
  • Blue indicates magic damage
  • Orange signifies nature damage (which is linked to wisdom)
  • White represents true damage

Each color corresponds to a specific type of attack, helping players quickly identify the nature of incoming damage. This visual cue aids in strategic decision-making during battles, allowing players to adapt their tactics based on the types of damage their characters are facing.

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